Foner's Papers as published at Agents '97
Here you can find:
- A short paper about Julia, an entertaining mud chatterbot:
- Postscript or PDF, as it appears in the proceedings.
- HTML, with
lots of live links, and including also a much longer version of the paper.
- A paper about Yenta's
general architecture. This paper has a large color figure at the end which
sometimes is a problem on printers with little memory. Hence, various formats:
- PDF [636 K]. Recommended unless you can't read PDF's.
- PostScript, in Level-2 format [2.7 meg] If you
can't read PDF, try this first unless you know your printer doesn't do PostScript Level 2.
- PostScript, in Level-1 format. [18 meg], and the same
thing gzipped [1.3 meg]. Note that this is an
absolutely huge file! It's possible that printers with little memory may
not be able to print the last page, which is a large, bitmapped illustration
(in color on color printers).
- The paper without the huge figure, in PostScript
Level-1 format, or in PDF.
- Just the huge figure on the last page, in
PostScript Level-1 format [18 meg], the same thing gzipped [1.3 meg], or in PDF, in case you'd like to
download it separately.
Lenny Foner
Last modified: Thu Jan 21 17:53:09 EST 1999